Our skilled dentists can repair and replace your damaged and missing teeth to give you back a healthy, beautiful smile. When your visit our office, we will work with you to determine which restorative treatment will be most beneficial for you. We offer a wide variety of restorative options, such as dental implants, crowns, dentures and partials, to help fill out your smile after decay, trauma or tooth extractions. We invite you to call us today at 304-343-1216 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Daniel Monday or Dr. Stephen Graziani and learn more about restorative dentistry in Charleston, West Virginia, and Hurricane, West Virginia.

We are pleased to offer high-quality restorative dentistry at our practice. Restorative dentistry is a specific branch of dentistry that is focused on restoring the health and function of your smile following tooth damage, tooth decay or tooth loss. We offer a number of restorative dental options to meet your individual dental needs. Whether you are missing one tooth, several teeth or all of your teeth, we are here to provide you with the restorative dentistry solutions you need. We also offer options for restoring significantly decayed or damaged teeth.

When you visit our dental office, our caring dentists will carefully examine your smile. Based on this examination, we will be able to provide you with the best possible recommendations for restoring your smile. Through restorative dentistry, you can gain or regain a smile that is healthy, functional and beautiful once again. Our restorative dentistry options are comfortable and look natural so you can feel confident in how your smile looks and functions. Gain the confidence you need to smile, speak, eat and laugh effortlessly again! If you would like to learn more about restorative dentistry, we welcome you to call or visit us today. We are eager to help you love your smile.

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1213 Virginia St E
Charleston, WV 25301


Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm

8:00 am - 1:00 pm

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2939 Virginia Avenue
Hurricane, WV 25526


Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm